Tag Archives: dialogue

What could have been?

What if the presidents cared? 

They said victory was imminent. 
With evil intent, with barrel on fatigue, 
Beads on mud-caked scentent string, 
Leaves so scared they're now silent, 
Trees hearing the slaughter of a pig, 
While life goes on in the battle ring. 

Few years back there was a mountain
Where silicon budded genius software jigs.
Yet eyes were closed on everything. 
Where were those billions you're now bent
Over backwards to send over leagues 
To warring factions wearing hope thin? 

Yeah! What if the presidents cared? 

My people die for lack of wisdom. 
Life is nothing but an excuse to loot. 
Life is nothing but dirt to be trampled
Upon when upside down is the kingdom,
Wishing to have a neck under a boot
As a solution to pain,  Wishing that ample

Resources can paint the soil crimson. 
Did you care when they dropped out? 
Did you bear those same veins on your temple
When hunger ravaged the mother's bossom? 
Where were the millions to soothe
And bring hope and make nimble? 

How many books did you garrison? 
How many teachers did you arm? 
How many laboratories have  you loaded
With new tech to break them out the prison? 
For cultures have marched out of harm 
By focusing on growth not the goading.

So the victory still seems imminent, 
With evil intent, with barrel on fatigue
The kids out of school, the schools on fire, 
Leaves so scared, they all went silent, 
Trees hearing the slaughters on the hills,
While you fuel the hateful mire. 

(c) nyonglema

Butterfly effect #ambazonia

Spare the son. 
But kill the father, kill the mother, kill the brother,
Kill the sister, kill the baby, and let the son get vengeful, and
Spare the son.

But kill the father, kill the mother, kill the brother,
Kill the brother, kill the dog, kill the baby and let that son get vengeful, and
Spare the hospital,

But burn the houses, burn the father, burn the mother,
Burn the cousin, burn the uncle, and let the healed get vengeful, and
Spare their buddy,

And let hell drop red upon the fuming ashes of fresh baked
Black human flesh in their wake, and let their buddy get vengeful and
Spare a cousin,


(c) nyonglema

Watering cans #cameroon #bir #kamikaze

It’s a big question in my mind how much liquid earth can take? 
Like if I were to empty litres upon the barren ground of caked
Desert, when does it overflow to stop my ambition of a lake? 

Lakes are fun to be on: the waterjet splashes speed soaring, 
The arms windmill to move you splashing, speeding, boring
Through the water, laughing, while fishes stare at nothing

Nothing is what the media said was poured on the ground 
But I saw the litres ambition to be more than gunpowder sound, 
And watering cans spilled their contents on watering can mounds

And in the mound  it’s about 5 litres a-piece, slowly ebbing gross.
Blood has a thing for making my stomach curl, and loss
Has a thing for making my eyes unfurl. Both are plain gross. 

Gross lies in the media proliferating gross lies to the public, 
While watering cans….Did I just call humans farming objects? 
Like we’re growing food for some starving child in our republic? 

My republic? No a human with holes watering the ground won’t 
Grow any food. Won’t heal any wounds. Won’t go out hunt, 
Or caress a little kid’s cheek. But guns, guns, they’re totally blunt, 

About causing blunt trauma to a nation seeking growth overall. 
You can’t silence these cats once you set the nips on your garden wall
And they hang around, they multiply and make humans lamentation walls. 

The wall of ego brings watering cans. The porous soil is tired. 
Is the ambition to make a lake? Is the ambition for war to retire? 
We’ll maybe never know, and till then deserts, blood, heaps, fire.

(c) nyonglema

Talking with bullets? Lose-Lose #Cameroon

It was easier before:
    The cock crowed, Jesus turned, the tears flowed
    The cock crowed, I turned, and the shower flowed
    The cock crowed, luck turned, and tears flowed.

Easy solutions were easy to get while things were easy
But nine stitches rhyme with nine lives in their sick essay,
So time stitched hell and instead of being stitched in time
The fabric gaped open to swallow into its darkened slime
The baby, the bath water, the room, the parents, the villagers,
The fires, the char, the innocent, the pillaged, the pillagers.

It was easier before:
    But we always want more, and the tears flow
    But we always want war, and gun showers flow
    But we always taunt luck, and the tears flow.

Easy solutions were easy to get but Greed’s chains are titanium
Laced in a diamond lattice tying down the maestro of pandemonium.
The constitution had saved once, but those promises fell into the slime
Stitched by hell to cut workers’ pockets to benefit organised crime
Where everybody wants favour, everybody seeks the power to sign
At the expense of kids’ futures, mothers and fathers crying.

It was easier before:
    But now I need a visa, and I may not go
    But now I need a visa, to live in my own home
    But now I need a visa, to live.

Easy solutions will be easy to get where competence is worth any
But everybody wants favour, so logic took a stray bullet in the alley
And Cameronians closed their eyes on children crying
Everybody closed their eyes to the economy slowly dying
As if we were not one! I say we are one, and this war cannot be won
Until we become truly one: citizens, leaders (citizens), doing all to brighten the sun

It was easier before:
    But now everybody is strapped, like that fixes anything
    But now everybody is trapped like they can’t fix anything
    But you wear your ego like that fixes anything!

It is still easy now:
Let’s get back to being humans, talking with humans.
                  fixes everything

(c) nyonglema

Something fishy #discrimination

My colleague wants the Art of Zen, in French of course
Translated from Japanese…I suppose, for they started it.
But she wants it from the UK…I’m like: “That’s horse –
Shopping in the middle of the ocean…they’re more likely
To stock it in English, you see. But I’ll search in Italy”.
Then, I find myself in Dakar at some point, and while walking
In the mall, a bookstore calls to me. I go toward it.
They don’t have it, neither here nor at Mermoz. But the thing
That hangs on my brain like a shroud, while the lady pours
Out the information is the fact that English books are here.

Think about it: this is an all French country, colonised
By France, having spent all their lives with them.
They had books in English, and games too …to my surprise.
Then I asked myself about other countries, which should be
Carrying these as standard, where books would be
In every stall in 2 languages as per their constitution.
And my heart sunk. I felt pain for every single one of them
In such countries, where language replaces skin’s function
In the minds of those who wear hate like a hat I despise
And cower to the custody of morbid segregation and fear.

Well, prejudice is a but a bug in the universe’s most infant app
And it takes mere (not sheer) will to wipe it off our map.

Take up your napkins boys…it only seems hard.

(c) nyonglema