Tag Archives: praise

Never Stop

Lord, You never stop. 
You pour out blessings without measure
To soothe my heart and heal hope's rasure

The blessings just flow
From icy Everest to shimmering sea,
With fireflies lighting the shore with glee

My ways You straighten 
Undeserved, even when all seems lost
You're flicker to sun to defeat the frost

Lord You never stop, 
For great are Your ways to those who love
To those who trust, and put none above.

Lord You never stop, 
You seek the single, you search the void
Ninety nine wait till one hears Your voice

Lord You never stop, 
You call sinners to the feast beyond
Where mercy offered makes guilt abscond

Lord please never stop, 
My only hope, my only treasure
My life and love, Your Word my pleasure.

(c) nyonglema