Tag Archives: Bible

Covid killed me in 2021 #BIAY

Resolutions fall like confetti in the first act, 
As the bride walks on, not caring to step on this
Or that one; the pews empty, one by one, back 
To whence they came, a normal born of temporal bliss

The remote control brings banners and warnings in: 
Beware the Greek alphabet may just not suffice!
Get the jab, the jab, the jab... hearts beating 
Poised one against the other lest humanity survive

Punches get thrown where confetti stood before 
Covid, jab, covid, covid, fun now turns to war 
Tears now turned to phlegm hurled from tours
Only vaxxed can access, but there yet was more

Beyond the banners, and warnings, and dying confetti
Came one crying in the wilderness, vaxxed or not, 
But bearing a promise that the bride's heel tip
Going into the new year may have crushed, or not;

Echoes of generations past like Urquelle to Urkel, 
Old words made new with meanings I never knew
With the gentility of that loving single uncle, 
The words in my ears were morning sun, gentle dew

But dew is never wasted as roots push even deeper
Green gets even greener, love grows even stronger.
Working from home gets even drearier, days longer
But the words remain louder, daily louder larger

Foundation stones become lintels, pillars towering
Over the statue of my entrenched ego, saying "Let go". 
Do I deserve the 3-65 days you're offering?
I feel the hammers chip away at what's refusing to grow:

In the 2nd year Anno Coronaviri, when AD was written CE,
A bearded man picked up one of my confetti, and 
Not knowing me, prayed me into keeping 1st Jan promises,
Amidst despair at desecrations gripping the land. 

But they weren't his words. They were His Word. 
Day by day, chipping away, like covid at my tubes
But this time making something new from me bored
Making me see the Lion crouched behind the cub, 
Making me be the cub ready to let Him face 2022

(c) nyonglema

Sola scripturina

Welcome to high school, where the books
Need cranes, the pens get drained 
And, and... you'll overload the brain! 

So, wise student, see here this gizmo:
All formulae, all concepts here for you, 
Picked and chosen all that pain to eschew

Newton's central idea, Lorentz's too
Lavoisier, Curie, Mendeleev, Bohr, more
In little print, focusing just on core. 

Of course the details long to be read
Upon the hundreds of pages that hide, 
Behind each of this books pages' side


This student Luther, the know-it-all 
Has determined that the Principia is 
Not needed to get the central theses.

That our little book intended to aid
Is solely sufficient, so ditch the rest,
Rely solely on these excerpts for the test. 

(c) nyonglema


Which book has been the most burnt, 
The most insulted, the most analyzed, 
Challenged, denigrated, hated? 

Experts in the comment section 
Light up the fireworks of opinion. 
Greek and Hebrew and Aramaic 
Hold no secret to them. 

The History of the People whose
Words fill its pages is as 
Elementary as ABC to them; they 
Can re-enact it from their homes. 

Armed with the sword of language, 
History, culture, Geography, 
Philosophy and science of the day, 
They hack away, they hack away! 

Contradictions? hack hack hack. 
Falsehoods? hack hack hack. 
Human inventions? hack hack hack. 
Their keyboards sharper than steel!

They've read all 73 books, stroke 
For stroke, and can parallel texts,
One section to other, to see how each author
Made up the story to suit their narrative. 

Or they have not? But 1 video is sufficient, 
They're now experts of everything! 
The Book is false, the tradition as well. 
Their feelings and opinion are the Truth. 

Encouraged by others like them who 
In pride turned Its words into rascals, 
Bending them to do their will over the Will
They type away, playing "God". 

(c) nyonglema

The Chosen Father #Joseph #Christmas

Oh Bethlehem of glorious fate,
You through love became so great,
For within your walls in lowly plate
Joe’s heir laid down His Godly state.

The gusty winter blew in the cold
As wife and Son in his cosy hold
Sought the heat cold morn denied
As if the manger’s shame to deride.

Loud clouds told the shepherds how
From Heaven to cradle God did bow,
And jump and run with sheep did they
To see the Saviour curled in hay.

In wisdom, three the star did see
And off to worship the Lord went they
To Herod, then to stable where
Joseph received gifts and wisdom rare.

And in that darkness shone that Light,
Of the world from that lowly site.
And Joseph, Mary, Jesus slept
In peace while God their spirits kept.

(c) Nyonglema